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Developed as a part of the Child+Adult Art Response Project (C+AARP), this series of works were responsive to three children's artworks exploring the theme of INSIDE|OUTSIDE.


Each piece was developed to inspire play and excitement, replicating the anxious interaction between child and adult during the exchange of artworks. Imagery of each piece recontextualises references within each child's artwork, hoping to inspire reflection and a new way of looking at initial concepts

You are what you eat II
You are what you eat II


Paper, watercolour, acetate

210 x 297 mm



Paper, watercolour, foam tape

148 x 210 mm

A Great Vine II


Paper, watercolour, foam tape

297 x 210 mm

Exhibition and Press


These pieces were exhibited as part of the Child+Adult Art Response Project - INSIDE|OUTSIDE at studioFive UNESCO Observatory of Arts Education, Melbourne, Victoria.

They are now part of the studioFive collection.

A Great Vine II
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